My name is Wheeler Cowperthwaite. I’m a graduate from the University of Nevada, Reno, with a bachelor’s in print journalism and political science.
I’m a journalist. A photographer. A writer.
I’m a journalist and a reporter at The Patriot Ledger in Quincy, MA. I’m the former the cops and courts reporter for the Rio Grande SUN in Española, New Mexico.
I take photos. Most are on Flickr. Almost all of the photos I don’t take for work are licensed under a Creative Commons attribution/share-alike license. Feel free to use them with attribution.
I have a photography portfolio.
I write food columns and make videos about cooking. I write a blog about food, and other things, called “Put some cilantro on it!“
Feel free to contact me at or follow me on twitter, @WheelerReporter or @wcowperthwaite.
I speak German (passable fluency) and have an affinity for both the signature East German mustard, Bautz’ner Senf (mittlescharf,) and for (dry) German wine.