The only good quality about Dangerous Heterosexuals is the cover. The rest of it is worth throwing away. Pages upon pages upon pages of entirely pointless dialogue. Boring writing. No even casual copyediting was done before the book went to print.
According to the information in the book provided by the author, one of Leeper’s plays was nominated for an Edgar award and he has had many readings in big towns of his other plays.
Maybe that’s why he thought it was acceptable to include so much pointless dialogue. It’s not. If it were read as a skit or a one-act play, it still wouldn’t work.
Plus, the double spaces after the period (which look more like full indentations, and I think are at least quadruple spaces) and the horrible simple sentences. So many! So annoying!
At the beginning:
“It occupied a part of a block at the heart of town on Market Square. It shared that block with the Pettigrew Center for Science and the Arts. Across Second Street the hotel faced City Hall.”
“Greco stood at the bar a few stools away from Rachel. He ordered a Dewar’s over ice with a twist and a splash of water. He gave not one glance at Rachel. The barkeep intuited that this patron was not in need of light conversation. Rachel was intrigued by the man who paid her no notice. It was a unique circumstance in her experience. Man had been noticing her since puberty.”
Please, look elsewhere for plot, good writing, copy edited work, or really, anything worth reading.
This book was received, free of charge, from the Goodreads First Reads program.